Epione Blogcast
Epione Blogcast
Is the sky blue or orange?
This week's blogcast comes from Kelly Breakspear (Missus of a Reformed Man) who writes light-hearted blogs to inform, influence, and inspire anyone with a loved one in prison and anyone with challenging mental health.
Kells draws from her own experience of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
She often points out that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are often the first step on the school to prison pipeline and can cause significant problems with challenging mental health. It’s a sad fact that the vast majority of people in our prisons have unresolved trauma and are diagnosable with a 'personality disorder'.
In 1987 her younger brother joined the school to prison pipeline and served his first custodial sentence. Since then, Kelly has served a number of prison sentences over the past four decades, but only on this side of the wall.
Kelly uses her knowledge and experience to give a better understanding of the reality of serving prison sentences on this side of the wall.